With Prestige Travel, you can book with total confidence as all monies paid to us are 100% safe and secure. All our flight-inclusive packages are protected by the Civil Aviation Authority under a government backed holiday protection scheme – ATOL (Air Travel Organisers Licence – ours is 2509).
When you make a flight-inclusive booking with us you will receive an ATOL certificate to prove that you are both covered and protected when others may not be. For more information about financial protection and the ATOL system go to
We are also an ABTA member (Association of British Travel Agents – licence no: V2715 and Y1769) and as such are required to offer high service standards, fair terms of trading and accurate information to our clients. In addition, ABTA offers members and their clients a code of conduct and complaints resolution scheme all designed to give you further confidence and peace of mind when booking a holiday with us. For more information about ABTA go to
AITO Charter
Prestige Travel is a member of the Association of Independent Tour Operators. The association represents Britain's leading independent tour operators and encourages high standards of quality and service. Prestige Travel abides by the Associations Code of conduct and adheres to the AITO Quality Charter which can be viewed by clicking here or by calling 020 8744 9280